Due to its long coastal stretch, these islands have a very rich marine biodiversity. They harbour more than 1200 species of fish, 350 species of echinoderms, 1000 species of molluscs and many more lower forms of life. Among vertebrates, dugongs, dolphins, whales, salt water crocodiles, sea turtles, sea snakes etc. are common. Corals and Coral reefs are the most fascinating part of marine ecosystem here. So far 179 species of corals belonging to 61 genera have been reported. Reefs are mostly fringing type on eastern coast and barrier type on the western coast. Important genera include Acropora, Montipora,Pocillipora,Porites, Favia, Fungia, Gonopora, Millipora and Heliopora. Coral reefs are important breeding and nursery ground for fish and many other organisms and have been aptly called "The Tropical Rain forests in the Sea."
Common Corals of Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Boulder coral | Porites porites |
| Boulder coral | P. lobata |
| Boomerang coral | Herpolitha limax |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Common lettuce coral | Pectinia lactuca |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Digitate coral | A. gemmifera |
| Digitate coral | A. humilis |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Fine spined coral | Montipora sp. |
| Fire coral | Millepora dichotoma |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Hood coral | Stylophora pistallata |
| Hedgehog coral | Stylophora pistallata |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Joker coral | Euphyllia glabrescens |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Knob coral | Favia laxa |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Lesser star coral | Goniastrea retiforis |
| Lobed cup coral | Lobophyllia corymbosa |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Mushroom coral | Fungia fungites |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Needle coral | Seriatopora hystrix |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Rough fingered coral | P. nigresens |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Stag horn coral | Acropora valenciennesi |
| Stag horn coral | A. Formosa |
| Stag horn coral | A. robusta |
| Serpent coral | Pachyseris rugosa |
| Spine coral | Hydnophora rigida |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Tipped bubblegum coral | Physogyra lichtensteini |
Species | Common Name | Scientific Name |
| Valley coral | Oulophyllia crsipa |
Shells Included in the Schedule