The Department of Environment & Forests is the Nodal Department in the Administrative set up of Andaman & Nicobar Administration for planning, formulation and implementation of policies and programmes for conservation, protection, and management of the forests and wildlife in the territory.
The Department of Environment and Forests is headed by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests who is ex-officio Principal Secretary of the Department.
The Wildlife Wing of this Administration is also headed by Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Wildlife who is the ex-officio Principal Secretary(Wildlife) and Chief Wildlife Warden.
he Principal Chief Conservator of Forests are assisted by five Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, three Chief Conservator of Forests, three Conservator of Forests, five Deputy Conservator of Forests and ten Divisional Forest Officers, one Director, Forest Training Institute and one Deputy Director, Chidiyatapu Biological Park.
Conservation of environment, forests and wildlife following National Forest Policy, 1988 and through protection, effective planning and scientific management.
Meeting local requirement of forest produce through sustainable utilization of forest resources.
Implementing provisions of the Indian Forest Act, 1927, the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and the Environment Protection Act, 1986 including the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991.
Promoting research in forestry and wildlife.
Human resource development through capacity building.
Awareness generation by educating people and promoting eco-tourism and peoples participation.
Strategy and Future Plans
Biodiversity conservation through sustainable management and rational utilisation of biological resources primarily to cater and local needs.
In-situ conservation by improving the protection machinery (infrastructure and manpower)
Promoting research in Forestry and Wildlife to provide the much needed scientific information for better planning and management of biological resources.
Raising non-timber forest produce outside forest area to reduce pressure on forests.
Introduction of eco-development schemes, eco-tourism and promotion of people's participation in conservation programmes.
Elimination or minimization of activities such as pollution, habitat destruction and over exploitation, to prevent loss of biodiversity.