Chidiyatapu Biological Park

A mini-zoo was established at Port Blair in 1967 with the objective of exhibiting unique endemic animal species found in these islands, in caged condition mainly for recreational purpose.

The concept of a modern zoo as defined by the Central Zoo Authority is "to house and display the animals in such a manner that the objectives of wildlife conservation including creation of empathy for wild animals are achieved". The present Zoo at Port Blair is unable to meet fully the above stated requirements of a modern zoo because of a very limited space (only 4 ha) available and also due to a disturbed surrounding. There is no scope for its extension and modernization.

In present day context main objective of operating any Zoo or Zoological Park is aimed at conservation of wildlife by providing in situ habitat as far as possible to the captive animals. The display of animals is to be done in such a manner as to provide meaningful information to visitors about the importance of wildlife, its habitat and role in the eco-system. The zoo should not be merely for recreation of visitors but it should also be a source of educating people and promoting research on animal behaviour, breeding and population dynamics. Keeping these goals in view following objectives are set for the Chidiyatapu Biological Park.

  1. Wildlife education and interpretation for the purpose of communicating conservation values to the visiting public, for understanding the unique faunal wealth of these islands and its role in the islands ecosystem.
  2. Captive breeding of rare, endangered and endemic species for ex-situ conservation
  3. Scientific study and research on animal behaviour, nutrition, reproduction, disease etc.
  4. To provide recreational facility to a large number of people by utilizing out-door setting of nature without detriment to any of the preceding objectives

Keeping in view the above limitations, a need to establish a biological park on modern and scientific line, in a natural and sufficiently large forested area having a pollution free environment was felt in late eighties and in 1989 the Wildlife Advisory Board of the Union Territory also recommended the creation of a biological park. It was thereafter decided to develop a biological park at a place called Chidiyatapu 25 km away from Port Blair. The Central Zoo Authority conveyed its approval for it in May 1993 and the Central Government approved the diversion of 40 ha of forest land in Chidiyatapu for establishment of this Biological Park in May 1994.

The area is having sufficient space and natural surroundings to provide the following :-

  1. Required sufficiently large space for enclosures and other facilities.
  2. Visitors facilities.
  3. Water reservoirs, roads, path-ways, shelters, open recreational place and other infrastructures.

The Biological Park is well-connected with Port Blair, having a good road-link and transport facility. There is a small village at Chidiyatapu and as the whole area is having Reserve Forest with no other developmental activities in the surroundings, hence it will be possible to provide a pollution-free environment for the Biological Park.

View of Park

Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall