Publicity & propaganda
For publicity and propaganda of Khadi & Village Industries programme, the Board used to release Scheme Advertisement / News Item regarding various ongoing developmental programme through the print media / AIR / Doordarshan from time to time.
Booklets on PMEGP has also been published separately in English, Hindi& Nicobari language and issued to all PRI’s / Tribal Councils.
For wider awareness, the PMEGP scheme is also being advertised through Cable TV Network.

Awareness Campaign
In order to create awareness about KVI programme and other Govt. sponsored self emloyment Schemes amongst the rural populace, the Board is organizing awareness campaign-cum-people’s education programme from time to time in different Islands in collaboration with other like minded agencies i.e. Directorate of Industries, Agriculture, Fisheries, AH&VS, MSME-DI, DRDA, ANCON, NYKS, Banks and PRIs / Tribal Councils.

To popularize the use of Khadi and different eco-friendly village industries and herbal products amongst the Islanders the Board used to organise “KHADI SALES-CUM-EXHIBITION” during the festive season of Gandhi Jayanthi, Dussehra, Deepawali, Eid & Christmas every year.
The Board is also a regular participant of the Island Tourism Festival, Flea Market, Andaman Bazaar & Grameen Mela being organized by the UT Administration of A&N Islands from time to time.

Rural ICS Cell
The A&NIKVIB has established a Rural Industries Consultancy Services cell (Rural ICS) at its office at Port Blair through which the 1 st generation entrepreneurs are being provided support services such as project formulation, co-ordination with Banks, Technical backup, marketing support etc. Such intensives help new entrepreneurs to setup projects which are more viable and better manageable.